Monday, November 19, 2012

Thou, Thine, Thy, Thine, and Ye

I like seeing "thee" and "thou", "thy" and "thine" being used in these olden days.  Understandably, flaws and errors in their use are common because few of us (none of us?) learned these words as any part of a spoken, living language.

One using language incorrectly appears pretentious or unschooled.  That might be wholly in character.  Thus, best it is that others do react in their own character.  The educated will, with varying degrees of indulgence, compassion and skill, wish to correct bad grammar and usage, but they might appear snooty, pedantic, or parental in doing so. 

Therefore, taking the risk of appearing EXTREMELY snooty, pedantic and parental, I shall set the example.  While there are many books and grammars that give hows and wherefores, they often demand a grasp of grammar that most (mono-lingual Americans) simply do not have.  Instead, we start start with:


Read this aloud:
                   I am   mine,   as me, my thing,   mine end.  
                  We are  ours,  as us, our thing,   our end.     
one male:
                   He is     his,   as him,  his thing,    his end.  
one female:  
                    She is  hers,  as her, her thing,   her end. 
one whatever:
                   It is   its,         as it,      its thing,    its end.
a group:
             They are theirs,   as them, their thing, their end.
one listener:      
                 Thou art thine, as thee, thy thing,  thine end.   
                 Ye* are   yours, as you,  your thing, your end. 

Whatever way you want to use one of these words, something in the above chart will guide you thus.

"am", "are", "is", and "art" stand in for any action or being word (verb).
"as" stands in for any relational word. (preposition)
"thing" stands in a word starting with a consonant.(noun)
"end" stands in for a word starting with a vowel.(noun)

[rant] I'd argue that this distinction between nouns beginning with vowels or not affecting "my" to "mine" and the pronunciation of "the" is evidence of linguistic gender in Modern English, but most linguists ignore or discount this. [end rant]

* "Ye" is especially confusing.. "Ye" sometimes substitutes for "the", since an old y-like letter  " þ " called "thorn" for the "th" sound got often confused for "y".  Why "thorn" disappeared from the alphabet is a whole epic, but it left "y" and "th" to fill in for it while it's gone.  Further, "ye" as "you-all" shifted to being "you" much earlier than "thee" and "thou" did.  Thou mayst use "You are" instead of "ye" correctly in even the oldest of ages, but only when speaking of several listeners.  Thus, "ye" is rarely ever the best choice of word, but use it anyway if so moved.


"Thou hast", "Thou art", and "thou dost"  are correct;
"Thee hast" and  "thee dost" are not.
"To thee". "For thee", and "of thee" are correct.
 "To thou", "of thou", or "to I" are not..
"Thee" and "Thou" replace "you" as when talking of one person,
"Thy" and "Thine" replace "your" and "yours" when talking of one person

Use "thine" or "mine" before a vowel:  "mine eyes".  "thine anger"
Use "thy" or "my" before a consonant:  "my stars", "thy grief"
"Thine" and "mine" can stand alone, "thy" and "my" cannot:  "My heart is thine."

One quick test for these:  change the idea to talking about one's self:
  • Thou <=> I
  • Thee <=> Me
  • Thy <=> My
  • Thine <=> Mine
Nicely for memory, these even mostly rhyme.  "I gave my love a cherry".  <=>  "Thou gavest thy love a cherry". It's not always perfect, especially if thine own grasp of  the difference between "I" and "me" is weak in the first place, but even so, thou wilt hit right on often. 

NOTE:  "-st", "-th", "-en" verb endings were undergoing huge changes in usage during the "Early Modern English" period, from about 1500 when all this "thee" stuff was still happening even to today.  Just about anything thou canst dream up for them was written by some reliable sources sometime or another when used with "thou", "thee", and "you".  Even the "Great Bible" of 1538 and Shakespeare (b1564, d 1616), the best known example of the Early Modern English writer himself, inconsistently used these endings.  However, those endings were became old-fashioned and ceremonial by 1780, giving up to the simpler, more modern forms we now enjoy.  Art thou old-fashioned and ceremonial?  Useth thou these forms, then.


"I", "we", "he", "she", "it", and "they", and the rules that govern them are unchanged thru Modern English since about 1500.  Your modern ear will guide you correctly.  Parts of "you" are still the same:
  • Your superiors, even only one of them,  are always called "you", never "ye", "thee" or "thou".  
  • This "you" is the other side of "Royal We"  "We are not amused." "Your Majesty is not."
  • For your social equals, the obsolete rules above for "thee", "thou", "thine", and "thine" apply.
  • If you love "ye", then use "ye", unless you are talking to your betters:  
  • When talking of many listeners, use "you", "your" or "yours", with the rules you know...
"Hear Ye!  These lessons, dear friends, are yours. You may have and hold them."

All this is good old English, but not good Old English, or even good Middle English,
The elvish is much more complex.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Aulë and the Dwarves

In a blog post titled "The Real First Born", Lord of the Rings Online dwarf role player Haakon Stormbrow writes:

Although the Dwarves have long since ignored the whole argument, Elves being better record keepers and slippery opponents in any debate, they have long held themselves to be the older race. Elves love nothing more than to glory in the title of the Elder Race, Firstborn, etc. They lord it over the other races like a spoiled Kindergartener, and their self declarations hold as much authority.  Let us now examine the record. We shall even deign to use the Elvish record of events from the Silmarillion to prove their own argument in error.

It is told that in their beginning the Dwarves were made by Aulë in the darkness of Middle-earth; for so greatly did Aulë desire the coming of the Children, to have learners to whom he could teach his lore and his crafts, that he was unwilling to await the fulfillment of the designs of Ilúvatar. And Aulë made the Dwarves even as they still are, because the forms of the Children who were to come were unclear to his mind, and because the power of Melkor was yet over the Earth; and he wished therefore that they should be strong and unyielding. But fearing that the other Valar might blame his work, he wrought in secret: and he made first the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves in a hall under the mountains in Middle-earth.
Now Ilúvatar knew what was done, and in the very hour that Aulë’s work was complete, and he was pleased, and began to instruct the Dwarves in the speech that he had devised for them, Ilúvatar spoke to him; and Aulë heard his voice and was silent. And the voice of Ilúvatar said to him: ‘Why hast thou done this? Why dost thou attempt a thing which thou knowest is beyond thy power and thy authority? For thou hast from me as a gift thy own bring only, and no more; and therefore the creatures of thy hand and mind can live only by that being, moving when thou thinkest to move them, and if thy thought be elsewhere, standing idle. Is that thy desire?’
Then Aulë answered: ‘I did not desire such lordship. I desired things other than I am, to love and to teach them, so that they too might perceive the beauty of Eä, which thou hast caused to be. For it seemed to me that there is great room in Arda for many things that might rejoice in it, yet it is for the most part empty still, and dumb. And in my impatience I have fallen into folly. Yet the making of thing is in my heart from my own making by thee; and the child of little understanding that makes a play of the deeds of his father may do so without thought of mockery, but because he is the son of his father. But what shall I do now, so that thou be not angry with me for ever? As a child to his father, I offer to thee these things, the work of the hands which thou hast made. Do with them what thou wilt. But should I not rather destroy the work of my presumption?’

Then Aulë took up a great hammer to smite the Dwarves; and he wept. But Ilúvatar had compassion upon Aulë and his desire, because of his humility; and the Dwarves shrank from the hammer and wore afraid, and they bowed down their heads and begged for mercy. And the voice of Ilúvatar said to Aulë: ‘Thy offer I accepted even as it was made. Dost thou not see that these things have now a life of their own, and speak with their own voices? Else they would not have flinched from thy blow, nor from any command of thy will.’ Then Aulë cast down his hammer and was glad, and he gave thanks to Ilúvatar, saying: ‘May Eru bless my work and amend it!’
But Ilúvatar spoke again and said: ‘Even as I gave being to the thoughts of the Ainur at the beginning of the World, so now I have taken up thy desire and given to it a place therein; but in no other way will I amend thy handiwork, and as thou hast made it, so shall it be. But I will not suffer this: that these should come before the Firstborn of my design, nor that thy impatience should be rewarded. They shall sleep now in the darkness under stone, and shall not come forth until the Firstborn have awakened upon Earth; and until that time thou and they shall wait, though long it seem. But when the time comes I will awaken them, and they shall be to thee as children; and often strife shall arise between thine and mine, the children of my adoption and the children of my choice.’ Then Aulë took the Seven Fathers of the Dwarves, and laid them to rest in far-sundered places; and he returned to Valinor, and waited while the long years lengthened.
-The Silmarillion
(Illustrations above by Ted Nasmith)

Now, in the simplest terms, to come first would mean to be created and sentient first. It is possible that the Elves were created first and were lying dormant somewhere in Middle-Earth even during the time of the interlude described above. However, it is clear that the dwarves were actually awake and sentient at this time, if only for a few minutes. Unfortunately, you, I, or even Eru can’t undo what was done. The dwarves were awake first, so, it becomes apparent that the Dwarves were, in fact, the firstborn race.
But, the Elves are indeed a noble race, blessed with unending life, and grace and charm above all others. Do not be disheartened just because you are not the oldest race on Arda.

To Haakon's mildly edited post above I'll add this photo, made in Second Life today,

The Firstborn of the Firstborn
and two remarks:

~ While clearly first created, no dwarves were BORN before any elves were born.  The very "first born" would not be Durin, but some anonymous elf at Cuivienen.  Elves can legitimately claim the title "firstborn". 
~ Aulë still feels some embarrassment over his folly in that event, but none at all over the outcome.

Friday, August 31, 2012

Customs about Aulë

Since my first post, I've imagined a few things I like to play about Aulë:

Home Life
Aulë is fond eating. While Aulë is not a strict vegan, like Yavanna, nor even a vegetarian, since he is the inventor of husbandry, he prefers to dine on cleverly prepared dishes from fresh ingredients where no plant nor animal met an early death in the making.  Wines and distillations are a special favorite and a recurring topic of his own experimentation. Some experiments are most delicious and healthful; others are not palatable.
"Live and Learn."
"Make good"

Yes, Ainu can breed. So can Dwarves. No, you do not need details.  

Gift Giving

If Aulë comes to visit you, you will certainly receive a gift from him. When you visit him, it is good manners to bring a gift of your own, preferably something you had some hand in the making. Edibles that can be shared are always appropriate.  If you give Aulë a gift, he will give you one also.
Things you have made are intensely interesting. One should vocally admire cleverness.

Since they too easily cause disaster, avoid sharpened edges or explosive or poisonous charges on tools or weaponry. When they must be used, learn extreme respect and caution.
"Make armory with a heavy heart: regret what those creations will cause."

"I do not teach others to make the most destructive devices invented: there is no merciful cause for their use."
A Vala cannot reasonably expect others to sanctify his symbols utterly to peaceful purposes in a dangerous world. Those who worshipfully use a hammer in battle receive a hesitant blessing. Those who seek a non-destructive end to battle receive a joyous blessing.

The hammer shape of "T" resembles the second tengwar letter of the name "Aulë" (the "L") .

Ever since Eru Ilúvatar prevented his deadly hammer from slaying newly forged dwarves, Aulë uses the hammer against no living thing. Further, he shuns deadly violence to ANY thinking creature since The One allowed such mercy to his dwarves.  Aulë considers the living creations of The One and Yavanna superior to his attempt in this area, but he is still proud of his Dwarves.

Aulë will not violently battle in the presence of elves. Even his physical attacks and defenses damage nearby elves too easily.  Even chanting phrases of the Ainulindalë that form every part of existence can create a profound magical effects. Since some elves are terrified and dismayed by the powers wielded, Aulë is cautious about invocations.   Thus, in active conflict, he may help arm his allies, but absents himself or takes takes the role of healer.   He will help clean up and repair the battle-space.

Others naturally must be free to act as predator and executioner. Aulë's nearest kin are among the fiercest combatants in all creation. That is how The One made them.

Aulë's preferred tactics:
  • Inventive, non-destructive solutions
  • Enchant sleep
  • Restrain with cages, webs, chains, or earth.
  • Find where then enemy belongs and get them there.
  • Arm then heal allies already present and engaged. 
  • If all foes are mindless, throw boulders.
  • Bring Oromë or Tulkas there
Aulë main purpose is "To Teach", all else he does is to help make the world a place where learning can happen.  Building for himself is secondary, sharing is primary.  

Aulë will attempt to teach anything to anyone who asks.  He prefers to refer a question to an existing reference or an advanced student: it teaches the questioner how to research (a most basic study skill) or solidifies the advanced student's knowledge by codifying it for another.

Without skill and practice, talent cannot express.  Skill can be taught: Talent cannot. One can be skilled without much talent yet be productive in any craft.  Not all have the ear, voice or will for music, chanting, or magic. Not all have the eye, mind or strength for stone, metal, earth and wood work; nor have all the touch, heart, or artistry for writing, drafting and design, yet anyone can do these things with some success. 

"Gain skill. Talent may follow."

Criticize another's work only on invitation. It's better to ask what the student finds improvable in his own work, then agree with guidance or disagree with examples. It's bad form to criticize a beginner for failing to create a master-work.  Offering a work up for sale is an invitation to criticism. Selling instead of gifting or donation is also a reasonable act: it's good for the soul that the receiver give something in exchange for work for able hands.
"Eggs cannot harmonize."
Damaging a student or letting a student damage himself is an abomination, no matter what the provocation, circumstance or device. When a student is a likely danger to himself or others, touch or restrain him to get his full attention.  Only in safety and respect can correction and instruction occur.

Incognito in Last Ages

In later ages, long after the events of the Lord of the Rings, Aulë travels as an humble itinerant tinker  "from a large and diverse family from Almaren" crafting, repairing, selling and gifting doodads, gadgets, and knickknacks using one of his many names.  (( This is merely to open up role playing possibilities, since he likely stayed in Aman til the wide world ends))  He will teach crafts should students and need appear.  ((If we role play this, Aule will really teach you something of Second Life  content creation as the scene warrants.))

He'll stay a while, set things better, then move on. Repeat for many, many years.   As this kind, magical, and generous fellow gains a fondness of mortals, he may become a mysterious yet legendary jolly old elf of fable, considered a saint even.   We'll see how that plays.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A History of Elvish Weaponry, Part 1

JRR Tolkien gives weapons and armor special attention in his books. To clarify, this article ranges a bit larger than simple weaponry, since warfare includes not only the tools and weapons, but defenses, tactics, and natural ability.

The elves very first tactic for defense was "safety in numbers". To illustrate, the elves' first foes were Melko and his cohorts, and it was hardly fair warfare: Elves were newly created, babes though appearing adult while Melko's forces were mature in their ainu powers and seasoned campaigners, two wars already waged among the aniu. Even at Cuivienen, though, Melko and his minions did not directly attack the elves newly awakened there; they hunted only those who wandered off from the group. Still, while some elves were lost in that first campaign, the far majority survived. Elves, en masse, between their shared wisdom and might, are never defeated. Is there ANY group of elves that lost a battle to another race?  The elves greatest asset is their unity and safety in numbers.

Orome, the Hunter
Granted, the first elve's foes were keeping a low profile at the time because Oromë was on the hunt.
As Melko began corrupting and despoiling the world by creating many unnatural monsters, weapons became necessary, if not preferred, by Oromë, the great hunter. He's recorded as often in Middle-Earth hunting these unnatural abominations with bow, arrow, spear and javelins.Those first weapons are the same as those of Human antiquity.  Archaeologists of the Prehistoric eras claim that humans used wooden clubs, sling and stone, shaped spear, knife, bow and arrow. The elves would have copied and constructed those first weapons on the Great Trek and learned to use them from Oromë himself and each other.

Aulë, the Vala Inventor in Aman would have crafted tools and  weapons that human history records ancient: the hammer, the shield, the staff, the sickle, the chain, the shackle, and the bola. They are only incidentally weapons, firstly being used as agricultural, husbandry, and crafting tools.

Quenya words for weapons of antiquity:
  • Dagger, Knife: sicil (Noldorin Sindarin: sigil
  • Axe:  pelekko, (North Sindarin: hathol, Khuzdul: baruk or burk )
  • Bow quinga, ( Noldorin Sindarin: peng also poetically cû ("arch"))
  • Helmet: cassa, harna, harpa and carma 
  • Shield: turma, umbas (umbaÞ); (Þ is the letter "thorn" with a "th" sound)
  • Spear: hatal and ehte
This would be partial list of names, since elves name everything several ways, including weapons.  Naming and even inscribing names on them is wholly in elvish character. Many elvish and ainu tools and weapons had individual names, especially if the object is meaningful and unique. (Wikipedia List of Middle-earth weapons and armour)


This brings elvish warfare into the Ancient era of Earth warfare: bronze then iron sword, shield, helmet, armor, crossbow,

The Silmarillion chapter 7
    when Melkor saw that these lies were smouldering, and that pride and anger were awake among the Noldor, he spoke to them concerning weapons; and in that time the Noldor began the smithying of swords and axes and spears. Shields also they made displaying the tokens of many houses and kindreds that vied one with another; and these only they wore abroad, and of other weapons they did not speak, for each believed that he alone had received the warning. And Fëanor made a secret forge, of which not even Melkor was aware; and there he tempered fell swords for himself and for his sons, and made tall helms with plumes of red. Bitterly did Mahtan rue the day when he taught to the husband of Nerdanel all the lore of metalwork that he had learned of Aulë.
    The passage implies Mahtan taught Feanor to make swords before Melko put the idea in their heads. Thus the swords Noldor elves might bear before Melko is out of prison are the very earliest ones ever made, so sword-craft and technique are new in the Age of the Trees, making instruction classes on sword use and defense especially appropriate.  Noldor invented it.

    it clear that Feanor's "fell swords" are a new invention, but it's highly likely more normal swords already existed.  Fell: (in this sense) destructive, deadly, from Middle English "felon"[wicked], related to "villain", "filet", and "warlock"

    a few other notes about swords: images:
    • Sword: makil, macil, (Noldorin Sindarin: crist, magl, magol, North Sindarin magor)
    • Variations: lango (broad sword),  lhang (curved, long two-handed sword for movie Elves)
    •  Armor has no Quenya word, but elves had it.

    The Kinslaying at Algualondë
    Ted Nasmith's fantastic art clearly shows armor, including the red-plumed helms and others in the not-too-distant future, showing Noldor in melee with shields, swords and armor before humanity had awoken.  

    Looking even farther forward in time....
    When Melkor returned to Middle-earth after stealing the Silmarils, his armies attacked the Sindar elves. Those elves were almost totally unprepared, lacking in heavy weapons and suffering heavy casualties but not succumbing.  This event was the beginning of thousands of years on and off warfare against the forces of darkness. The elves or dwarves of Middle-Earth may have been developed some Ancient and Antiquity weaponry independently later, but JRRT makes the high Noldor elves the solution to this imbalance. Here are two quick quotes:

    from -Unfinished Tales, The Disaster of the Gladden Fields. [Of the Dúndain:]
    “They had with the teaching of the Noldor acquired great skill in the forging of swords, of axe-blades, and of spearheads and knives.”

    from -The Silmarillion, Akallabêth [Of the Numenorian]
    "Eönwë came among them and taught them great lore."
    Eonwë is one of the strongest of the Ainu, and a sword master himself, but nowhere is he the inventor of the thing; although he is a herald and messenger, apparently Eonwë learned sword work from the Noldor, mastered it, and passed it on.

    Even Men get armor with Noldor guidance, once both meet in Middle Earth.  Noldor elves continue their innovations in warfare, including other "Ancient" techniques: fortifications, rams and ladders, the war horse and , chariots and war-ships. In later ages, full "medieval" warfare is paralelled in Lord of the Rings: siege towers, ramps, cavalry with lances, infantry formations, plate armor, and the introduction of explosives.

    Fingon and Gothmog,  Ted Nasmith
    But for "here and now", year of the trees 1240, ... the summary is thus:
    we have several hundred years of elvish experience
    with the bow, the arrow, the knife, the stone.
    the javelin and the spear are well known,
    as are healing with herbs and rest.
    Noldor are just leaning the use of swords, armor, and shields. 
    And the first elvish defensive technique: safety in numbers.
    Their shared wisdom and skill is undefeated.

    This was a presentation and discussion of his fictional history of armaments, warfare and tactics as regards JRR Tolkien's works.

    Tirion Forest is a Noldor Elf roleplaying sim, set in the age of the Trees, the noon-time of Aman, when evil is securely bound and the elves and the world are in harmony. Mostly.

    Friday, January 20, 2012

    The Game of Bumps

    Children's games often train skills of coordination and speed. This is "tag", re-invented for Second Life as a simple and fun way to master control of your avatar in active areas.


    The Basic Rule: When "it" bumps you, you have to bump someone else, then say you did so in chat to make someone the new "it"

    Object: to avoid being bumped by and therefore becoming "it". As "it", to accept the role in chat and then bump another and announce who the new "it" is in chat.

    Equipment: any area roughly 40m across. It need not be utterly clear of obstacles nor fully delineated.

    Players: any number greater than two.


    The group chooses a player to be the first "it". Traditionally, this role belongs to the player who suggests the game or whoever was "it" at the end of the last game.

    The players choose an ending time of the game. All players are prohibited flying in the game.

    Suggested: Each player opens the "Bumps, pushes & hits" window in the "help" menu, so one can see who made contact with oneself, or wears a script that tells when such things happen.

    Optional: Each player can activate a radar or a map, either thru a viewer or a HUD (like Mystitool), so one might see who is close and who is not.

    Playing Bumps

    ~ "It" chats a sentence saying "I am it".
    ~ "It" attempts to physically bump another player by avatar.
    ~ Other players move inside the playing area to avoid "it".

    ~ When "it" actually bumps another, their hit windows will confirm it.
    ~ "It" must chat, by any sentence he chooses, the name of who he bumped within hearing (20m) of the one he bumped.
    ~ Others and "it" may move and repeat that that idea until:

    ~ The one bumped acknowledges "it" in chat.
    ~ He or she becomes the new "it" and play continues as above.

    Ending the game.

    Anyone may, but the person who suggested the game must announce in chat "5 minutes left", "one minute left", "ten seconds left" and "Good Game."
    The last "it" loses the game, but that hardly matters, does it? Now enjoy sharing what happened.


    "It" crashing appears to others as "it" disappearing, or going motionless. When this happens, or "it" must leave for a while, the others should gather in the center of the playing area and choose a new "it". Traditionally, "it" is assigned to the one who bumped the crashed "it" or the first "it".

    Being "Out of Bounds" incurs no penalty because it isn't much fun. One should simply return to the playing area directly when discovered out of bounds. One can still bump or be bumped while out of bounds.

    One can quit the game by going out of bounds and stating "not playing" as often as needed, but it is bad manners to re-enter the game after quitting.

    When flying is noticed, the one flying should immediately return straight to the ground with "page down" only. If "it" is under the descending flyer, the bump counts and may be called. If "it" is the flyer, no bumps need be acknowledged until "it" lands and spends 10 seconds motionless.

    Missing chat: One may, if bumped, accept "it" before the old "it" announces one was bumped, but it's better to remind the old "it" he or she needs to announce who was bumped. Handle someone not replying to a chatted bump after several chats as "it" crashing.

    Players joining mid-game can learn the basic rule as they play if others guide them thus: When "it" bumps you, you have to bump someone else, then say you did so in chat to make them the new "it".

    with links to more complete player guides:

    The real object of the game is to improve the players ability to move, chat, and view the world screen in rapid succession. In more detail:

    To move, use the keyboard arrows (or ASDF if your chat is closed) alone or in combination with shift and/or your mouse. To activate running, use Menu/World/Always Run, or Ctrl-R toggle.

    Views include the default view where you see your avatars back, mouse-look where you see thru the avatars eyes, and custom focus views. Try using mouse-look (activated by mouse-scrolling your view into your avatar's head or pressing M with chat closed) and regular view (activated by escape key or M in mouse-look) and Custom focus. Each one of these might be preferable to you at different times, and each allows different custom options.

    Chatting begins in mouse-look with the Enter key, then type your chat and press Enter again to send. If out of mouse-look, click your chat window, then type your chat and press Enter to send. If you can see another player's name-box floating over their head, they can hear you in regular chat. If the name-box has dimmed to invisibility, they are out of normal chat range, and you must move close to them or send a "shout" (using control-Enter). One can repeat the last thing said with control-up (ctrl-↑) then pressing Enter.

    Game Variations:

    ~Voice can make an easier game if all have voice on and use it instead of chatting who bumped whom and who is it.

    ~Automating bumps would make an easier game if each player wears a scripted object that says bumps in chat, so "it" need not chat the bump. The new "it" must still chat that they are "it" unless all wear a script that keeps track of "it" by chat, float text and/or particle emission.

    ~RSVP: whenever anyone chats your name (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) in your hearing, by itself or in a sentence, you must immediately chat a reply. This will leave you unable to move until you have completed your chat, and vulnerable to bumps.

    ~No tag backs, where "it" may not bump the person who bumped him or her, works best in a group larger than five.

    ~No running creates a slower-paced game; shrink the playing area to 25x25.

    ~Flying, when allowed and encouraged, is best played in a thick 40x40x40 box.

    ~ Rezzing. For an advanced group, encourage players to rez barriers in the playing area. Owners of the items may move, delete or change their own barriers at any time, of course. Simplest to allow only creating and editing non-scripted, non-physical default prims during the game, but the group may choose to allow anything, including scripted or physical items to appear and disappear.

    Have Fun

    Fair warning: in many areas, bumping another avatar might be grounds for a complaint to the management. Don't play Bumps in busy, public areas where non-players may get you in trouble.

    Saturday, January 14, 2012

    Fan Fiction Links

    The lovely poem spoke to me especially since I have the huge honor of role-playing Aule in Second-Life "Tirion Forest" and nearby areas for the last several years. The image is very similar to a scene I and my Yavanna played many months ago, but written infinitely more eloquently.

    With the Larner's permission, I mirror

    He found her singing in the darkness beneath Varda's stars, and he smiled. Of green things she sang, of trees and grass and scented flowers.

    He entered the clearing, adding his song to hers, singing of rich soil and shining minerals, soft sand and smooth stones.

    He could tell she was glad he had joined her, for now she began to sway as she sang of blossoms and fruit.

    He stepped to the side, singing of clay and mineral-laden water, heated by the earth and given to the relief of aching joints and exhaustion.

    She sang of the sweetness of apples.

    He sang of the richness of cups made from the metals to be taken from the earth, and how they would be ready to hold the apple's juices. Their hands met as their steps began to complement one another's.

    She sang of the song of crickets hidden under leaves, of the song of frogs beside the banks of streams.

    He sang of the song of the water as it poured over rocks and between boulders. They circled one another in their dance.

    She sang of filled bellies and contented children.

    He sang of useful items made such as knives to peel fruit and prepare vegetables to be eaten.

    He lifted her easily high into the air, and she laughed as she sang of the comfort of growing things.

    He responded with the reassurance of the reliability of the earth and its bones. He set her upon her feet.

    She paused, then held out her hands to him, her song slowed and seductive as she sang to him of the thanksgiving offered by trees and plants for the earth from which they grew.

    He took her hands and drew her to him, singing of the consummation the earth could know only when growing things sprang from it and drew from its bounty.

    He inclined his head, and she raised her face to meet his, and as Yavanna kissed her beloved Aulë their joined songs continued, more full and harmonious for their shared love and delight in one another.

    And all of the world prepared for the Children of Iluvatar delighted in their shared dance.